
  South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Working to Improve Mathematics Education for All Students

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Updated 08/26/2024

New! Sponsored by SDCTM and CAMSE

2025 SDCTM Outstanding Elementary Math Teacher Award

Made possible in part through a generous STEM Ed conference sponsorship from the Center for Advancement of Math and Science Education (CAMSE) at Black Hills State University, the South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (SDCTM) is pleased to offer a new award to an outstanding teacher of mathematics at the elementary school level. The award winner will receive a plaque and a $1000 cash award to support their efforts to teach mathematics using equipment/manipulatives or perhaps help to attend a conference or workshop. Eligible teachers are K-6 Elementary teachers, title and special ed, recovery, and coaches that assist in the teaching of elementary mathematics. Preschool teachers in a school setting are also eligible for the award.

More information and application

Sponsored by Daktronics

2025 Outstanding Teacher Award (MS & HS)

Daktronics, in conjunction with the South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is pleased to sponsor the Daktronics Outstanding Mathematics Teacher Award in the state of South Dakota. The recipient of this award receives a plaque and a $1000 cash award to support the award winner's efforts to teach mathematics with equipment or perhaps help to attend a conference or workshop. Middle school and high school teachers, who spend at least 50 percent of their schedule teaching mathematics, are eligible for this award. Awardees must still meet the 50 percent teaching of mathematics at the time of the award, in order to be eligible. Application deadline: Dec. 1, 2024

More information and application

The two NASA grant awards described below are open for applications from now through January 5, 2024.  The first (Kelly Lane Earth & Space Science Grant) is limited to schoolteachers only, whereas the second (Dan Swets Robotics Materials Award) is open to both schoolteachers and informal educators.  pplicants will be notified of selection results by February 1, 2024, and winners will be recognized at the SD STEM Ed conference in Huron.


·         Kelly Lane Earth and Space Science Grant ($10,000 total for at least two awards):

For SD science and math teachers only - Science and math teachers at public, private, or tribal schools in South Dakota may now apply for the 18th annual (2024) “Kelly Lane Earth and Space Science Grant” provided by the NASA South Dakota Space Grant Consortium.  Up to two $5,000 grants will be awarded to selected teachers.  The award seeks to improve STEM education in the state through the support of innovative programs in precollege education.  Preference will be given to applications focusing on topics pertaining to space science, earth science, and/or the use of geospatial technology.  Applications must be received by Jan. 5, 2024.  Details at:


·         Daniel Swets Robotics Materials Award ($13,000 total):

For SD science and math teachers and informal educators - The NASA South Dakota Space Grant Consortium invites applications for the 13th annual (2024) “Daniel Swets Robotics Materials Award” The award is open to South Dakota teachers/educators who either: A) have taken robotics training or plan to take robotics training and want to begin new robotics programs and teams, or B) have sustained robotics programs/curriculum in their classrooms or at their schools and are in need of additional support due to growth in the number of student participants or aging robotics materials.  Applications must be received by Jan. 5, 2024.  Details at:


Best regards,



Thomas V. Durkin, CPG

Deputy Director

South Dakota Space Grant Consortium

SD School of Mines & Technology

501 E. Saint Joseph Street

Rapid City, SD 57701


Phone: (605) 394-1975





Contact Webmaster           SDCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics           CCSSM