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  South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Working to Improve Mathematics Education for All Students

Updated 02/20/2025 
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CAMSE is pleased to offer workshops this summer for teachers from K-12 in leadership, STEM, CT and CS. The attached flyer lists the opportunities and includes more information.



 The deadline for submissions to the International Young Mathematical Story Authors is Friday, March 21st.  If you have questions, please direct them to the coordinator, Vincent Trakulphadetkrai,

Pupils aged 4-16 years old are encouraged to take part in this year's Young Mathematical Story Authors (YMSA) competition. YMSA is an annual international competition, set up to help connect maths with literacy by having pupils create their own maths story picture book. The winner of each entry (4-7, 8-11 and 12-16 years old) will receive an award of £100, and their school will also receive £100. The submission deadline is Friday 21st March 2025. More information can found on:


2025 Summer Research Experience for Teachers

The South Dakota Space Grant Consortium (SDSGC) is accepting applications through Feb. 21, 2025, for summer 2025 Research Experience for Teachers (RET) fellowships in the amount of $8,000. The program enables secondary teachers to enrich their knowledge of science and engineering practices by joining a research group at a South Dakota university or laboratory for at least eight weeks during summer 2025. Findings have shown that teachers who participate in research experiences are able to provide an enriched classroom experience for their students in subsequent years.


Application information can be found on the SDSGC website, but the direct link to the solicitation is:



If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Peggy Norris at




Space Settlement Design Institute (SDSU) InSim

In March, the SDSU College of Engineering will be hosting a Space Settlement Design Competition for high school students with an organization called InSimEd. I am trying to help by getting the word out about the competition to South Dakota math and science teachers. We did a beta version of this competition last year and two of my students were chosen to participate in the international version of this competition at Kennedy Space Center last summer. 

I am reaching out to ask for your help in getting this information out to the members of SDCTM as well as science teachers. I am attaching a link to InSimEd and the flyer from the College of Engineering. Teachers may contact me if they have more questions. We already have a number of students registered from Iowa.


Gail Jacobsma

High School Mathematics Teacher

Robotics Coach

Assistant FFA Advisor

NHS Advisor

Arlington School

306 South Main

Arlington, SD  57212


cell:  712-212-6104


Marian Fillbrandt SDCTM/SDSTA Conference Stipend
Marian Fillbrandt graduated from South Dakota State in 1933 with a Mathematics major. She spent many years teaching math and science. She established the Fillbrandt Endowment at South Dakota State to help South Dakota math and science teachers. A committee of faculty, along with Jeff Nelson with the SDSU Foundation, has determined that this endowment can be best utilized by providing $400 stipends to second through fifth year math and science teachers to attend the SDSTA/SDCTM conference. This will allow new teachers in rural areas to interact with their colleagues with similar professional interests.

The $400 stipend intends to defray the costs of conference registration, accommodations, a substitute teacher for the Friday of the conference if a district will not provide one, and other costs associated with conference attendance.

If you are selected for this stipend, you will be required to write a brief report at the end of the conference stating how the stipend benefited you and what you learned at the conference that you plan to use in your classroom. If you are selected, but are unable to attend for some reason, the stipend money will be returned to the endowment fund. The selection committee will take financial need into account during the selection process.

The application deadline is December 1st.  To apply, go to


  Sign up for the DOE Math Discussion Listserv  

Workshops for Educators

Opportunities for Students

PBS Teacherline

Please contact webmaster with suggestions for professional development opportunities!


Contact Webmaster           SDCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics           CCSSM